
Your method really helped me find the missing vital secret ingredient.

I hope my message finds you well as I would like to offer you my gratitude for the 7 day course you graciously created so that people, like myself, can keep learning the most effective ways to acquire a real foundation in the French language as we learn.

I have recently relocated to France from Australia, and despite 3 years of pouring over various methods of French language learning and feeling frustrated and like I wasn’t really progressing, your method really helped me find the missing vital secret ingredient: go back to the reasons and why I love this language to remember my motivation to learn, immerse myself in the language using all of my sense, and most importantly – SPEAK THE LANGUAGE!

Do this things so far, my verbal skills and comprehension of the language have improved dramatically over the past few days. It has also improved my confidence, abandon my fear and reconnect with the fun and beauty of learning the French language. And for this I want to give you my sincere thanks. Your sincerity of teaching the language also shines through in your videos which has also been something I want to commend you for as it has kept me motivated also.

I will be spreading the word about your method to the French learning community and emploring them to discover your videos and your method.

Thanks you once again and congratulations on doing such a wonderful job.